HUNG FUNG GROUP<1141>-Announcement & Resumption of Trading

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no 
responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes 
no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and 
expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss 
howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any 
part of the contents of this announcement.

(the "Company")
(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


Baxter Resources S.A. (the "Vendor") has agreed to place, 
through its placing agent, Kingston Securities Limited 
("Kingston"), 20,000,000 existing ordinary shares ("Placing 
Shares") of HK$0.10 each in the share capital of the Company 
("Shares") to independent investors at a price of HK$1.23 
per Share ("Placing") and the Vendor will subscribe for 
10,000,000 new Shares ("Subscription Shares") at the price 
of HK$1.23 per Share ("Subscription").

The Placing is fully underwritten by Kingston.

The Placing Shares represent approximately 8.63% of the 
existing issued share capital of the Company of 231,709,600 
Shares and approximately 8.27% of the Company's issued share 
capital as enlarged by the Subscription of 10,000,000 new 
Shares. The net proceeds from the Subscription of 
approximately HK$11.5 million will be used by the Company 
and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for developing a 
business-to-business e-commerce platform for their 

The Vendor, the controlling shareholder of the Company, has 
approximately a 67.47% interest in the Company as at the date 
of this announcement.

The shareholding of the Vendor in the Company will be reduced 
from approximately 67.47% to approximately 58.84% 
immediately upon completion of the Placing and will be 
increased from approximately 58.84% to approximately 60.54% 
immediately upon completion of the Subscription.

Trading in the securities of the Company was suspended from 
2:30 p.m. on 8th February, 2000 ("Suspension Date") at the 
request of the Company pending the issue of this announcement 
and application has been made to The Stock Exchange of Hong 
Kong Limited (the "Stock Exchange") for the resumption of 
trading of the securities of the Company from 10:00 a.m. on 
9th February, 2000.


A placing agreement dated 8th February, 2000 (the "Placing 
Agreement") was entered into between the Vendor and Kingston 
containing the following terms:-

The Vendor, the controlling shareholder of the Company.

Placing agent and Underwriter:
Kingston, who is independent of, not connected with the 
directors, chief executive or substantial shareholders of 
the Company and any of its subsidiaries or any of their 
respective associates (as defined under the Rules (the 
"Listing Rules") Governing the Listing of Securities on the 
Stock Exchange). Kingston would receive placement 
commission of 3% on the gross proceeds of the Placing.

The placees (which will be six or more individual, corporate 
and/or institutional investors) will be independent of, not 
connected with the directors, chief executive or substantial 
shareholders of the Company and any of its subsidiaries or 
any of their respective associates. It is expected that no 
placee will become a substantial shareholder of the Company 
as a result of the Placing.

Placing price:
HK$1.23 per Placing Share. This price was agreed after arm's 
length negotiations and represents (i) a discount of 
approximately 0.81% to the closing price of HK$1.24 per Share 
quoted on the Stock Exchange on 3rd February, 1999, being 
the last trading day of the Shares immediately before the 
Suspension Date; and (ii) a premium of approximately 8.95% 
over the average closing price of approximately HK$1.129 per 
Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange from 21st January, 2000 
to 3rd February, 2000, both dates inclusive, being the last 
ten trading days of the Shares immediately before the 
Suspension Date.

The Placing Shares will rank equally with the existing 

Number of existing Shares to be placed
20,000,000 Shares to be placed, representing approximately 
8.63% of the existing issued share capital of the Company 
of 231,709,600 Shares and approximately 8.27% of the issued 
capital of the Company as enlarged by the issue of 10,000,000 
new Shares under the Subscription. The Placing is fully 
underwritten by Kingston.

Completion of the Placing
The Placing is unconditional. Completion will take place on 
or before 11th February, 2000.


A Subscription Agreement dated 8th February, 2000 between 
the Vendor and the Company containing the following terms:-

The Vendor

Number of new Shares to be subscribed for:
The Company will issue 10,000,000 new Shares and the Vendor 
will subscribe for them, representing approximately 4.32% 
of the existing issued share capital of the Company and 
approximately 4.14% of the issued share capital of the 
Company as enlarged by the issue of the Subscription Shares 
under Subscription.

Subscription price:
HK$1.23 per Subscription Share. The Company shall reimburse 
to the Vendor 50% the aggregate amount of the expenses 
properly incurred by the Vendor in connection with the 
Placing and the aggregate amount of expenses properly 
incurred by the Vendor in connection with the Subscription. 
The estimated expenses for the Placing and the Subscription 
will be approximately HK$800,000.

General mandate to issue Subscription Shares:
The Subscription Shares will be issued pursuant to the 
general mandate to allot, issue and deal with Shares granted 
to the directors of the Company by resolution of its 
shareholders passed at the Company's special general meeting 
held on 28th September, 1999.

Ranking of the Subscription Shares
The Subscription Shares will rank equally with Shares of the 
Company in issue at the time of issue and allotment of the 
Subscription Shares.

Use of proceeds
The net proceeds from the Subscription of approximately 
HK$11.5 million will be used by the Group for the purpose 
of developing a business-to-business e-commerce platform 
for toys, the Group's products.

Condition of the Subscription
The Subscription is conditional upon:

a)      completion of the Placing; and

b)      the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting 
listing of, and permission to deal in, the Subscription 
Shares to be issued under the Subscription.

Under the Listing Rules, the Subscription must be completed 
within 14 days from the date of the Subscription Agreement, 
that is, on or before 21st February, 2000 (or such later date 
as the Company, the Vendor and the Placing Agent may agree 
such agreement not to unreasonably withheld or delayed and 
subject to compliance with the Listing Rules), failing which 
the Subscription shall cease and terminate.

Application for listing
Application will be made by the Company to the Stock Exchange 
to grant the listing of and permission to deal in the 
Subscription Shares.

C.      Effects of the Placing and the Subscription

The shareholding of the Vendor in the Company immediately 
before completion of the Placing, immediately after 
completion of the Placing but before completion of the 
Subscription, and immediately after completion of both the 
Placing and the Subscription are and will be as follows:-
        Shareholding in the     No. of Shares in the
        Company held by         Company held by
        the Vendor              the Vendor
        (Note)                   (Note)

Immediately before the
  Placing and the Subscription  67.47%          156,342,000
Immediately after the
  Placing but before the 
  Subscription                  58.84%          136,342,000
Immediately after the
  Placing and the Subscription  60.54%          146,342,000

Note:   Assumes that other than the Subscription Shares, 
no new Shares are issued or purchased by the Company and other 
than the Placing Shares no Shares are sold or purchased by 
the Vendor, in each case after the date of this announcement 
up to the date of the completion of the Subscription.

D.      Reason for the Placing and Subscription

In view of the current market conditions and the directors 
of the Company consider that the Placing and Subscription 
represents a good opportunity to raise capital for the 
Company while broadening the shareholders base and the 
capital base of the Company and also enables the Group to 
have a higher level of working capital to further diversify 
its business.

E.      Adjustment of subscription price of Warrants

As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 
outstanding warrants carrying rights to subscribe up to 
HK$19,989,664 for Shares at a subscription price of HK$0.47 
per Share (subject to adjustment) for at any time up to 28th 
September, 2001.

The issue of the Subscription Shares will result in an 
adjustment to the subscription price of the warrants, 
further announcement in respect of which will be made by the 
Company upon such adjustment taking effect.

F.      General

Trading in the securities of the Company was suspended from 
2:30 p.m. on 8th February, 2000 at the request of the Company 
pending the issue of this announcement and application has 
been made to Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading 
of the securities of the Company from 10:00 a.m. on 9th 
February, 2000.

By order of the board of directors of
Hung Fung Group Holdings Limited
Chan Chun Hung

Hong Kong, 8th February, 2000